My in laws were up this weekend hunting for a house. We are so excited to have them moving closer....but had no idea that the house they would find would be within walking distance! (Yes, that is a good thing!) We spent all weekend looking at new houses, resells, spec homes, gnome homes, good homes, bad homes, what the hell were they thinking homes....and yesterday we found it.
These houses were originally built about a year ago and were priced WAY too high. Luckily they repriced them to fit the market and they now fit Beau's parents budget.
Th Stairs...
The kitchen....
More kitchen....
The house is GORGEOUS and has just about everything they want: a three car garage, a master and guest room on the main floor, and the BIGGEST SEWING ROOM YOU HAVE EVER SEEN.....
Wow! That is a gogeous house! Nonie's so cute!